
self publishing books

The best place to self-publish your ebooks and printbooks is Amazon (Kindle Direct Publishing); they are honest, pay the best commissions (up to 75%), and promote your book in over 175 countries.

The interface is one of the easiest to use, and it has an online cover builder. They offer free ISBN registration.

There are platforms like Kobo and Google Play Books, which are well known, but I had poor results, and Google, for example, rarely wanted to pay me royalties.

Lulu started to charge a lot for printing costs; it stopped being useful because the author's commission gets smaller and smaller. As for digital eBooks, it would still be worth creating, but Lulu rarely pays.

I don't trust this platform and have removed my ebooks from it.

For ebooks and printbooks, I also recommend My best Seller, it is an international group with graphic printers in several countries (the US, UK, and Spain, for example).

It is also useful to print your own book and have a copy; the cost of printing one copy is around five dollars, and it has an online cover editor and an easy interface.

You can also register your own ISBN if you wish for $12.

D2D (Draft 2 Digital) has been around for many years; it is reputable and reliable. Through this platform, you can place your eBook or printbook on different marketplaces, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Scribd, Apple, and others.

Note that on Scribd you can't submit your ebook directly, only through partners with Draft 2 Digital.

They pay their royalties via PayPal on the 15th of every month.

Now they have a partnership with Palace Marketplace, a new way to reach more readers, generate more income.


On Fiverr, you can find good professionals for cover design, converting from Word to Mobi or ePub, or even proofreading texts.

There are also good resources on the internet for quality proofreading and with AI, for example Languagetool and Quillbot, which I use.

If you opt for the semi-annual subscription, it's an affordable price of 7 dollars a month.

Copyright protection

According to the law, any published printed work already has rights reserved to the author. However, protection is never too much.

You may want to register the ISBN number for your book; you may also want to register the copyright. Most options are paid; however, there is a free service called "Copyrighted".

Copyrighted also has paid services, but in the free account, you can register up to five literary (or other) works per month, after which a registration number is assigned.

This way, you can prove that you are the owner of your work.

In case of litigation or if it is necessary to have your plagiarized book removed from another website, for example, they have "takedown" services that cost about 99 dollars to pay their lawyer.


Translating an entire ebook (a Word document with 155 pages, for example, into Spanish or French) is an arduous and time-consuming task.
A good option is Online Doc Translator, based on the Google Translator algorithm, but it translates the entire Word document without changing the format and appearance.
There are some spelling and punctuation mistakes, so you'll need to go through it page by page later.
An affordable option is to use Quillbot (which costs $7 a month) or proofread the text.

If you want to hire a freelancer to do proofreading, there are several on Fiverr, but prices can be high, starting at $45 for every 5000 words.
A complete book can have more than 24,000 words. You would end up spending over $200 on the complete review of an entire book.
Therefore, I indicated the Quillbot option.

Free Promotion:

A very useful way to promote your book is in Facebook groups; most of these groups allow free publications (as long as you don't spam and spread 1 or 2 posts a day; don't post excessively). These groups are mostly in English (good for those who have books in English) and some have over 75,000 members.
I have already published my books (with a cover image and an Amazon link) in several of these groups, reaching more than 400 thousand members.
I share some group links:

Promote your Book” (25.400 members)

Promote your Book” (10.300 members)

Promote your Book free Group” (47.300 members)

Authors Promote Your Books” (13.400 members)

Promote Your Kindle Books” (36.000 members)

Book Lovers & Creators “ (24.200 members)

The Facebook Book Club” (26.000 members)

Promote Your Books” (20.200 members)

Shamelessly Promote Your Books” (17.200 members)

The Book Hangout Spot” (968.000 members!)

My new Group: Promotion of new Author Books. (1,100 members)

"Ebook Store"  (3,800 members)

"Book lovers Unite" (1,500 members)

"Promote your Books" (3,200 members)

"Writers & Authors" ( 3,100 members)

"Books Books Books" (3,000 members)

"Book Promotions" (1,400 members)

"Author Promotions" (5000 members)

"Open Book Promotions" (2,800 members)

List your book in more than 10 categories (Amazon)

Another valuable tip I would like to share with you.
When you publish an ebook or book on Amazon, have you noticed that you can choose two categories?
Your book appears in two categories, for example: Kindle eBooks/Literature & Fiction/Fiction Classics .
Did you know that you can email support to Amazon in your Kindle Publishing account and ask them to catalog your ebook into different categories?
It is possible to do it, but I don't know why they don't disclose it publicly.
You have to write your book titles, ASIN or ISBN numbers and full category links when emailing Amazon.

Kindle eBooks/Literature & Fiction/Fiction Classics
Kindle eBooks/Literature & Fiction/Comtemporary Fiction
Kindle eBooks/Literature & Fiction/Genre Fiction
Kindle eBooks/Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Search in the side menu of the Kindle store, or in the category of other eBooks. I did that and Amazon cataloged them.
Silvio Guerrinha

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