There are several ways to make money from your blog or website, one of which is to display ads.
Google Adsense is one of the most popular platforms; however, in my opinion, you earn a few cents per click, so it would take thousands of clicks to make a profit.
I already displayed Google banners, and I had 117 thousand clicks, but I didn't even reach 90 dollars, and Google would only pay me after reaching 100 dollars. I gave up.
There are several platforms, but in most of them, there are few campaigns; others have unattractive banners, etc.
The only affiliate network I use and trust is Netaffiliation, now owned by the Kwanko Group.
Because it's been online for several years (since 2003), it's reliable, and it has hundreds of international campaigns (multiple languages, international presence in 17 countries), which is good when we have multi-lingual websites and traffic from several nationalities.
Netaffiliation pays every month through PayPal, and you can choose which campaigns to promote on your website.
I generally don't like to receive percentages (30 or 40%) of sales; I prefer ads where I earn 8 or 9 dollars per sale or signup.
They have hundreds of campaigns in many different areas, such as dating, travel, finance, tourism, communications, and more.
Advertisers such as Vodafone,, Meetic, Western Union, Europcar,, Walmart, Spartoo, Carrefour, Bwin, and others.